

Lawn care in the fall

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The right lawn care ensures a healthy green carpet. Scarifying in the fall is particularly suitable to ensure that the lawn is well cared for in the winter.

The extra treatment for the lawn

Removing dead blades of grass is an important part of lawn care in the fall. When scarifying, the lawn is "combed" and the dead blades of grass are removed. At the same time, weeds, moss and lawn thatch are removed - more air and light as well as lawn fertilizer reach the roots and lead to better growth. Scarifying also has another major advantage: The unwelcome millet that likes to spread in spring is minimized by proper lawn care in autumn.

Scarify lawn

The lawn is mowed before scarifying. When scarifying afterwards, the blades of the scarifier should penetrate a maximum of five millimetres into the ground. If the blades penetrate the soil too deeply, the roots of the grass blades will be destroyed. The lawn is scarified in parallel paths and then in a checkerboard pattern across it. All the removed material is collected and removed from the lawn.

Autumn fertilization and reseeding

By using a special autumn fertilizer that contains particularly high levels of potassium, the lawn grows back quickly and becomes green and dense. Autumn fertilization also improves the lawn's winter hardiness. Lawn grasses are better able to withstand winter diseases such as snow mold. The gaps created by the drought during the summer and the scarifying can be sown with a lawn reseeding mixture and watered regularly.

The professionals for your garden

Is major work due in your garden or do you need help maintaining your green oasis? We would be happy to provide you with a non-binding quote. Our maintenance team is at your disposal! Contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

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